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Chi Physalis - Physalis minima L. – Thù lù nhỏ

Physalis (/ˈfsəlɪs/, sometimes /fˈslɪs/)[2] is a genus of plants in the nightshade family (Solanaceae), which grow in warm temperateand subtropical regions of the world. Most of the species, of which there may be 75-90, are indigenous to the New World with one notable exception (P. alkekengi). Cultivated species and weedy annuals have been introduced worldwide. A notable feature is the formation of a large papery husk derived from the calyx, which partly or fully encloses the fruit,.[3] The fruit is small and orange, similar in size, shape and structure to a small tomato.
At least 46 species are endemic to the country of Mexico.[4]
Many Physalis species are called groundcherries.[5] One name for Physalis peruviana is Cape gooseberry, not to be confused with the true gooseberries, which are of the genus Ribes in the family Grossulariaceae.
As of 2005, about 75 to 90 species were in the genus.[3]
Species include:[5][8]
  1. Physalis acutifolia (Miers) Sandw. – sharp-leaved groundcherry, Wright groundcherry
  2. Physalis alkekengi L. – Chinese lantern, Japanese lantern, bladder-cherry, winter-cherry, hōzuki (Japanese)
  3. Physalis angulata L. – cut-leaved groundcherry, lance-leaved groundcherry, camapu<P Class="ImageCaption">stems and immature fruit borne on relatively long drooping stalks (Photo: Sheldon Navie)</P>
  4. Physalis angustifolia Nutt. – coastal groundcherry
  5. Physalis arenicola Kearney – cypress-headed groundcherry
  6. Physalis carpenteri Riddell ex Rydb. – Carpenter's groundcherry
  7. Physalis caudella Standl. – southwestern groundcherry
  8. Physalis cinerascens (Dunal) A.S. Hitchc. – small-flowered groundcherry
  9. Physalis clarionensis
  10. Physalis cordata Mill. – heart-leaved groundcherry
  11. Physalis coztomatl Moc. & Sessé ex Dunal
  12. Physalis crassifolia Benth. – thick-leaved groundcherry, yellow nightshade groundcherry
  13. physalis edulis
  14. Physalis foetens Poir. – tropical groundcherry
  15. Physalis grisea (Waterfall) Martínez – strawberry-tomato
  16. Physalis hederifolia A.Gray – ivy-leaved groundcherry
  17. Physalis heterophylla Nees – clammy groundcherry
  18. Physalis hispida (Waterfall) Cronq. – prairie groundcherry
  19. Physalis latiphysa Waterfall – broad-leaved groundcherry
  20. Physalis longifolia Nutt. – common groundcherry, long-leaved groundcherry
  21. Physalis longiloba[4]
  22. Physalis mimulus
  23. Physalis minima L. – pygmy groundcherry, native gooseberry (AustraliaThù lù nhỏ
  24. Physalis missouriensis Mackenzie & Bush – Missouri groundcherry
  25. Physalis mollis Nutt. – field groundcherry
  26. Physalis noronhae
  27. Physalis peruviana L. – cape gooseberry, Peruvian groundcherry, Inca berry, uchuva (Colombia), poha-Thù lù lông, Cây lồng đèn
  28. Physalis philadelphica Lam. (syn. P. ixocarpa) – tomatillo, Mexican groundcherry, jamberry, Mexican tomato, tomate de cáscaratomate de fresadillatomate milperotomate verde
  29. strawberry groundcherry (Physalis pruinosa)
  30. Physalis pruinosa L. – strawberry groundcherry
  31. Physalis pubescens L. – golden strawberry, Chinese lantern
  32. Physalis pumila Nutt. – dwarf groundcherry
  33. Physalis subglabrata
  34. Physalis subulata Rydb. – Chihuahuan groundcherry
  35. Physalis tamayoi[4]
  36. Physalis turbinata Medik. – thicket groundcherry
  37. Physalis virginiana Mill. – Virginia groundcherry
  38. Physalis viscosa L. – grape groundcherry, star-haired groundcherry
  39. Physalis walteri Nutt. – Walter's groundcherry

Formerly placed here[edit]

  1. Deprea orinocensis (Kunth) Raf. (as P. orinocensis Kunth)
  2. Leucophysalis grandiflora (Hook.) Rydb. (as P. grandiflora Hook.)
  3. Quincula lobata (Torr.) Raf. (as P. lobata Torr.)[8]
  4. Salpichroa origanifolia (Lam.) Baill. (as P. origanifolia Lam.)
  5. Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (as P. somnifera L.)[8]

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